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Don't worry, we're working hard behind the scenes to bring the most innovative, unique new ideas to you. Keep checking back to see what we come up with!

Plans for Updates...

  • Creation of more games for the Arcade

    • Addition of section for other games put out by other organizations

    • New images added to practice AI image detection as AI continue to have increased proficiency in image generation 

  • Continued support for Tool-kits as the internet changes

    • Altering/addition of sections on skills page in order to provide updated practices​

    • New examples of propaganda and false media

    • Increased additions to bring awareness to image and writing generation by AI

  • Quality of life updates​

    • Support for Spanish and French translation of the site​

  • Create a lot more mini games to improve media literacy skills such as:

    • "Spot the Spin" mini-game → (or "spin sleuths" maybe) 

      • Objective: Players learn to identify biased, misleading, or cherry-picked information in media content.

      • Setup: The game includes a deck of cards, each containing a short passage from a news article, blog post, social media post, or advertisement.

        • After reading the excerpt, the player must analyze it for any signs of bias, misinformation, or propaganda-like techniques.

        • Once player has reached a consensus on the presence of a spin or bias, they flip the card to reveal the analysis provided on the back.

        • Points are awarded based on the accuracy of the player’s assessment. If they correctly identify the spin or bias, they earn points. If they miss it or misinterpret the content, they lose points.

    • Other components:

      • Set a timer for each round to encourage quick thinking and decision-making.

      • Players: could be played individually or with a group. If play with a group players could split into teams (depending on how many) to discuss and debate what they think

      • Levels: every few cards will increase in difficulty level and include challenging excerpts that require deeper analysis and critical thinking skills.

      • Custom Cards: Allow players to create their own cards with examples of media content they encounter in their daily lives at the end!

  • Create an online app to make the toolkit more accessible to a wider audience

    • An app would include all of our links

    • Allow us to post a calendar of events and let users RSVP to them

    • Provide a space to post our weekly news letters

    • Let us create a space for open discussion on the website, events,

                 and more!

If we had more time & funding we would..

  • Create a guide for parents, guardians, caregivers, and teachers to use to be able to identify the signs of online radicalization

    • This would be similar to the USA Today guide to help guardians prevent radicalization in just 7 minutes but would be updated to include more modern technology such as AI, deepfakes, and more!

    • We would also use this research and information to create a second guide which would be tailored towards college students and increase awareness of how to identify signs of online extremism in their peers.

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